Let’s Design & Build an Amazing Dream Home
It starts with Ahonui
Ahonui (pron. ah-hoe-NEW-ee) is a word in the Hawaiian language meaning patience, endurance, long suffering, and tolerance. The literal meaning is great breath. However, like many Hawaiian words, it loses something in translation.
A Hawaiian teacher, Serge Kahili King, explains ahonui in this way: “Generally, when we talk about patience in English, we mean the ability to suffer hardship, or discomfort, or pain, without complaint. There is a sense of inner strength or courage about it, but it’s essentially a passive concept. Something bad is happening to you, but you put up with it bravely for as long as it takes. As admirable as that concept might be, it doesn’t carry the full meaning of “Ahonui.”
Ahonui means patience, but it is more the word for perseverance. This is not the patience of waiting in a line. It is the persistence of pursuing your dream for as long as it takes. It is not the patience of waiting out a storm. It is the perseverance of moving through a storm to your destination. Ahonui can also be translated as “many breaths,” the act of moving toward something you want for as many breaths as it takes.
Welcome to Hale Ahonui

Welcome to Hale Ahonui. Hale (pron. HA-lay) is the Hawaiian word for home or house. Hale Ahonui means house of perseverance. Right now Hale Ahonui is an empty lot with a world of promise. This is the southern view from the lot. The western view is a 180 degree panorama of unobstructed royal blue ocean. You’ll be seeing a lot of it in the coming months. We purchased this lot several years ago on our first trip to the Big Island. Some people come home from a trip to the beach with shells. Not us…
Since I’m a big fan of the Dave Ramsey no-debt school of finance, right now we’re in the saving-for-construction phase. That’s ok because it gives us plenty of time for the all important design phase.
Each month in the Aloha Dreams Ahonui section I’ll share with you a new portion of the house design. I’ll show you my design inspiration pictures and our interpretation of the space in the posts below. I look forward to your comments and suggestions. Join us as we design and build Hale Ahonui.
“E Komo Mai. Nou ka hale.” This is a traditional Hawaiian greeting welcoming you to, “Come inside, the house is yours.”

First Impressions
Join me as we design and build Hale Ahonui! Let's start with this incredible view. Then let's figure out how we can show it off to ... Read More

Kohala Coast on the Big Island of Hawaii
Hale Ahonui is on the Kohala Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. Here the sleepy towns and countryside of the real Hawaii remain ... Read More
Recent Design Inspiration
What’s Your Ahonui ?
Serge Kahili King concludes by saying, “What will give you the strength to persevere in the direction of your dreams and desires, plans and goals is the love you have for something that you decide is so important, so valuable, so good, that nothing at all can replace it in your mind and in your heart. If your aloha is strong enough, you will have the ahonui to keep going in spite of doubt, disappointment, fear, and all the people who tell you that what you want is impossible. In this infinite universe, the only impossibility is whatever you never attempt, and the only failure is when you decide to give up.”
I have never liked the saying “it is what it is.” Nonsense. It is what you make it. Sometimes that can take a lifetime of ahonui.
I’d love to hear the story of YOUR ahonui.
Explore Aloha Dreams
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Ever wished you could build your dream home? Like amazing house design and home building ideas? Me too! Join me as I design and build a home on the Big Island of Hawaii. Follow along while I design each room. Enjoy a front row seat for the entire amazing construction process. Let's play!
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