Betty’s Porcupine Balls
Aloha Dreams
Fabulous Recipes, Cooking for a Crowd & Dream Home Design
Porcupine Rice Balls
My mom used to make these on a regular basis. Then I started serving them to my kids. Now the kids are requesting the recipe. They’re a great easy choice for dinner. Better than meatballs! A meal your kiddos will love. The smell alone will bring them running to the table. Another Cooking with Betty Rockin’ Retro Classic.
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Welcome to Aloha Dreams!
I'm so glad you dropped by. I'm Betsy. Here you'll find my favorite fabulous, trusted recipes - everything from delicious, quick meals for your family to wonderful classics made easy.
I'm also here to help you with large group recipes from 20 to 200. So next opportunity you get to cook for a large group - Say 'Yes!' Then relax. I've got your back.
Ever wished you could build your dream home? How about building your dream home in a tropical paradise? Join me, room by room, as we design and build a fabulous dream home in Hawaii!